Driving while drowsy or tired can lead to much more than just a fender bender. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drowsy driving is responsible for up to 7,000 fatal crashes each year. What’s worse is that an estimated 1 in 25 adult drivers claim they have fallen asleep at the wheel at least once. Don’t let yourself become the next victim of an accident due to driving while tired. At Rally Motors, we know accidents happen. That is why we do our best to fix the problems sustained to your vehicle in the event that this type of accident occurs.
First, let’s cover what drowsy driving actually is. Drowsy driving is when one operates a motor vehicle while being sleep-deprived. This causes the driver to have slower reaction times, a shorter attention spans, and impaired judgement. When one has a lack of sleep, all of these things can happen which can in turn result in poor decisions made while on the road.
People tend to wonder what really separates a fatigue-related incident from a regular everyday accident, and the truth is not very much beside a few key trademark clues. The characteristics of a drowsy driving accident include:
No skid marks at the scene
Accidents happening late at night/very early morning or in the mid-afternoon
A single person was in the car
Accidents that occurred on a relatively narrow straight road such as a two-lane highway, long country roads, or suburban roads
While distracted driving will receive the most newsworthy attention, none of those reports speak to what drowsy driving actually is, what the warning signs are, and how one can seek to prevent it from happening to them. While most people would jump right to the obvious solution which is to get more sleep, there are actually some surprising things one can do to make sure a drowsy driving accident does not happen to them. These tips are listed below.
Sleep. Of course the number one tip is receiving enough sleep at night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night and claims that those who only get 6 or fewer hours of sleep, are more likely to be in an accident.
Pull over. If you are feeling tired at the wheel, that’s normal. However, when you start to feel your eyes drooping it means you should pull over on the side of the road, at a gas station, at a rest stop, or somewhere safe and take a few minutes to rest your eyes.
Adjust settings. When you are in your car and starting to feel tired, take a minute to adjust your car's settings so you can stay more alert. Play louder music, turn the AC on, or make sure your seat is upright. All of these quick, easy changes can help you to keep your eyes open when you’re behind the wheel.
Sunglasses. Surprisingly enough, if you wear sunglasses during the day, your eyes are less likely to squint which can actually make your eyes tired.
Food. It’s important to watch what you drink and eat during the day as caffeine and sugar don’t always mean you will be awake and alert.
Our professionals have seen it all, and we’ve fixed it all. Regardless of the work that needs to be done to your car, our team can handle it. Whether it’s problems to your bumper, side doors, engine, tires, you name it, we can fix it. Accidents, such as those related to sleep, are more common than we’d like to see. Fortunately, we know cars better than anyone and if you’d like to see your car back on the road, only our professional mechanics and technicians can do that for you.
With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we know that handling a situation such as a drowsy driving incident is a delicate task. Many people can be embarrassed that it happened to them, but never fear, our professional team will do whatever they can to take care of you and your car. If you have been involved in a sleep-related accident,
contact our body shop today. Our friendly staff is ready to answer any questions you may have and set you up with an appointment as soon as possible.
For more information or to schedule service, call us at (732) 297-7100 or click the button below to contact us online.
For more information about falling asleep at the wheel or to schedule service, call us at (732) 297-7100 or click the button to contact us online.
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(732) 297-7100
3901 US-1 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: Closed