Has anyone ever rear-ended you? Have you ever had to stop abruptly for an animal or because the car in front of you slammed on their brakes and the car behind you slid into you? Has your car sustained damage due to being rear-ended? Considering about 29% of all car crashes are rear-end collisions, it is likely that one might happen to you at some point in your life. At Rally Motors, we aim to fix all damages sustained to the rear of your vehicle and know how to effectively and efficiently get the job done.
A rear end accident, as it is named after, happens when another vehicle hits your vehicle's rear-end. These can typically occur at red lights, stop signs, or if one car is driving too close to another. Distracted driving or road-rage plays a huge part in the occurrence of these accidents as well, since both tend to lead to unfortunate circumstances. A rear-end accident could happen in any number of ways including:
The rear driver hit the front driver’s car at a low rate of speed
The rear driver was moving at a faster speed than the front driver
The at-fault driver crashed into a driver that was completely stopped
Any number of scenarios can occur, but these three are the most common. Some rear-end accidents can be minor and cause minimal to almost no damage while others can cause significant damage and even fatalities if the force is strong enough or the cars are vastly different in size.
A rear-end accident is typically caused by one of five things, and on some occasions a combination of them. Read below for more on the common causes.
Distracted driving. As touched upon earlier, distracted driving causes the majority of these accidents. The National Transportation Safety Board actually discovered that 87% of rear-end accidents occur due to distracted driving. This can be anything from texting, talking on the phone, eating, etc.
Aggressive driving. This type of driving includes speeding, tailgating, cutting off another vehicle, or stopping suddenly.
Weather conditions. If you’ve driven on a cold icy day or during a major rainstorm then you likely know how important it is to be extra cautious in this type of weather. Any slight slip up can cause an accident in the blink of an eye.
Drunk driving. Obviously driving while under the influence is not a smart choice, and if one does this, it is likely they will be the cause of an accident at some point or another.
Driver’s fatigue. If you are driving while tired or fatigued, your ability to think fast or make logical decisions while on the road is impaired.
When you’ve got scuffs, dents, dings, and scrapes on your rear-end, we know what you need is a speedy repair. At Rally Motors, you can trust that our professional mechanics and technicians will work with you every step of the way, ensuring that when you get your car back, it’s like the accident never even happened. When our staff is on your side, know that only top-quality service is what you will receive. Contact us today to schedule your repair appointment!
For more information or to schedule service, call us at (732) 297-7100 or click the button below to contact us online.
For more information about rear-end accidents or to schedule service, call us at (732) 297-7100 or click the button to contact us online.
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For more information or to schedule a service, call us at (732) 297-7100 or fill out the form below.
(732) 297-7100
3901 US-1 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: Closed